Our masterlink upgrades.

Update your Alesis ML9600 Masterlink to a 40GB hard drive.
Get 51 Hours of recording time.
Why update?
Most users treat their Masterlink as a storage device, because recording, basic editing, burning a reference CD and archiving are a breeze. More than a 24-bit/96kHz recorder and CD burner, Masterlink also offers on-board DSP processing.
Recent production units are shipped with 10gig and 20gig drives, the latter is the maximum drive size that Alesis currently supports. Both are a definite improvement over the early units that shipped with 3gig and 4gig drives — large enough to "play" with Masterlink," but not to use for large hi-res recording projects.
But, now you can upgrade your ML9600 Masterlink to a 40GB hard drive and get the most out of your Masterlink!
This is not an experiment, it’s approved by Alesis.
Our 40GB upgrade offer features a low flat rate of $213. Work performed:
- 40 gig drive installed.
- EPROM updated to V1.27
- Software O/S updated to V2.15
- SPDF/DIG output updated.
We also perform a Manufacture QC test using an Audio Precision station.
- Measures amplitude
- Signal-to-noise
- Distortion(THD+N)
- Frequency
- Input impedance
- AC mains check
- Channel level, phase, amplitude ratio, and crosstalk.
Test procedures are provided by ALESIS.
If your unit is in Warranty. Warranty does not cover this update, but you have an advantage. After this update by our company your unit will still be in warranty because we are the exclusive warranty service center for Alesis LLC.
Here's the lay of the land:
40GB is over 10-times the space originally shipped with Masterlink and twice the supported drives.
Here's what you need to know:
If your masterlink has an EPROM version lower then v1.23 we highly recommend upgrading, to avoid losing data from your HD drive, you should contact us for an EPROM Update.

Update your Alesis ML9600 Masterlink to Unlimited Storage.
Removable Hard Drive Update
Why only have one hard drive?
Only $450.00
Most users treat Masterlink as a storage device, because recording, basic editing, burning a reference CD and archiving are a breeze. More than a 24-bit/96kHz recorder and CD burner, Masterlink also offers on-board DSP processing.
But, now you can upgrade your ML9600 Masterlink to a 40GB hard drive and get the most out of your Masterlink! Let's be honest for studios that want to archive previous projects and don't want to delete anything 40GB isn't enough.
We now offer an external drive bay upgrade that allows you to swap the main hard drive for a fresh one and keep on recording. With the upgrade, we provide the operating system disc so that you may keep buying new hard disks.
We also perform a Manufacture QC test using an Audio Precision station.
- Measures amplitude
- Signal-to-noise
- Distortion(THD+N)
- Frequency
- Input impedance
- AC mains check
- Channel level, phase, amplitude ratio, and crosstalk.
Test procedures are provided by ALESIS.
If you're ready for either upgrade please head to the Repair Request form here, fill it out and send us your Masterlink.